European Integration from Rome to Berlin: 1957-2007
In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, this volume addresses the lessons of EU history, its current challenges and its future perspectives. Leading scholars from the disciplines of history, political science, political economy and law consider important aspects of European integration. Areas examined include the evolution of the law of integration, Europe's influence on political transitions, economic governance, social governance, the system of Treaty reform and its limits, the future role of the Court of Justice, enlargement and the vexed question of Turkish accession. This book, which takes an interdisciplinary approach, seeks to draw on the lessons of history, while shedding new light on the current and future challenges facing the European Union.
European Integration from Rome to Berlin: 1957-2007
History, Law and Politics
Series: Cité européenne - European Policy Vol. 39
Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2009. 286 pp., 5 ill.
ISBN 978-90-5201-464-7
Eds.: Carlos Closa Montero (IPP-CCHS) y Julio Baquero Cruz

Ciudadanos, instituciones y políticas desde una perspectiva comparada (*)