El IPP abre una convocatoria de interés para las becas Marie Curie de la Comisión Europea
Call for Expressions of Interest: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) funded by the European Commission
Deadline to submit an Expression of Interest: Monday 27th May, 13:00 (Madrid, Spain).
Procedure: Candidates should contact directly permanent faculty members of IPP (Científico/a Titular, Investigador/a Científico, Profesor/a de Investigación) to act as their mentors in this call. Once they reach an agreement with the faculty member, they should send their expression of
interest before the deadline to talento.ipp@cchs.csic.es
The Institute for Public Goods and Policies (IPP) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) is opening a call for Expressions of Interest (EoI) for its support to apply for “Marie Curie Fellowship”.
Key Features of the “Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions” researcher contract programme:
- Funding body: European Commission.
- Duration of the fellowship: 1-2 years (3 years if Global Fellowship)
- Gross yearly salary: Approximately €62,230 gross / year (calculated based on the Spanish coefficient). Family allowances, if they apply.
- Additional research training and allowances: €1,000 per month for research-related expenses, including research assistance, software, training, publishing, conference participation, etc.
- Deadline to submit the application to the funder: 11th September 2024. This call requires submission to European Commission and confirmation from CSIC. The IPP will inform applicants whether they can be sponsored by the institute by 7th June 2024, they will need to confirm if they intend to proceed with their application by 14th June (11:00 am, Madrid time).
- Expected approximate timeline for funding decisions by the Commission: February 2025.
- Expected timeline for the start of the fellowship: Around April 2025. The European Commission offers some flexibility about the starting date. See criteria on the officiall call application.
- PhD requirements: A PhD degree awarded within the eight years before the call. Candidates whose PhDs have been awarded before 11/09/2016 cannot apply, unless covered by a reason for extension of the date of eligibility: parental leave; medical leave; compulsory national service; time spent not working in research periods apply and may extend this limit if properly documented (see details in the call).
- Candidates must not have resided or carried research in Spain for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the submission deadline.
- Other eligibility requirements: There are no nationality requirements or exclusions.
Additionally, the application requires providing a set of standardized documents and forms that are all described on the call website:
- 1. Part B1: containing a maximum of 10 A4-sized pages. Part B1 is the core of the proposal, it should contain the details of the proposed research and training activities along with the practical arrangements proposed to implement them.
- 2. Part B2 contains: the CV of the researcher, the capacity of the participating organization(s), additional information on ethics, security screening (in case there was not sufficient space in the dedicated sections in part A), and environmental considerations in light of the MSCA Green Charter, as well as the letter of commitment from the associated partner hosting the outgoing phase in case of Global Fellowships. Any other additional information will be disregarded by the evaluators.
- 3. A copy of the PhD degree diploma where the date when it was obtained is clearly shown,
- Language requirements: The call does not include any language requirements. The IPP is a working environment where both Spanish and English can be used, nevertheless some knowledge of Spanish will always be helpful for day-to-day life.
- URL of the call with full information: The full set of documents, including a Q&A document of the call can be found in this link
How to submit an Expression of Interest to IPP by May 27th, 13:00 (Madrid time):
- Full CV;
- A 1-page document highlighting your 3 key publications, research achievements and research trajectory;
- A 2-pages document outlining your research plans/programme for the duration of the Marie Curie Fellowship.
The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) is the largest public research institution in Spain and one of the most renowned institutions in the European Research Area (ERA). It is the largest public research performing organisation (RPO) in Spain, the fourth most relevant public research institution in the European Union, and the sixth in the world (according to Scimago Institutions Ranking). It counts with more than 13,000 employees, of whom 4,345 are research staff, distributed in 121 research institutes and 3 national centres. CSIC carries out research, innovation and training activities in all fields of knowledge – from the most basic or fundamental aspects of science to the most complex technological developments – distributed in three global areas: Life, Society, and Matter. These areas include human and social sciences, food science and technology, biology, biomedicine, physics, chemistry, and materials, natural resources or agricultural sciences, among others. In February 2021, the CSIC received the HR Excellence in
Research logo, in recognition of the institution’s commitment to developing a human resources strategy for researchers, strengthening its alignment with the principles of the Charter & Code principles. In Horizon 2020 (H2020), the EU R&I Framework Programme for 2014-2020, CSIC was ranked as the first organisation in Spain and the third globally, by number of funded actions. In Horizon Europe, the EU R&I Framework Programme for 2021-2027, CSIC is participating in 351 projects, 130 of which are coordinated. With a total EU funding of 160 million euros, CSIC is the second by number of projects, and the fifth by EU contribution received. The CSIC is also a leading player in the ERC programme, with more than 120 projects signed as a Host Institution.
The Institute for Public Goods and Policies (IPP) is an interdisciplinary research institute dedicated to examining the most pressing issues and challenges of the 21st century. Our overarching research agenda aims to understand how and why widening inequalities, sustainability and climate change, rapid technological change, increasing migration and ethnic diversity, or the rising polarisation and questioning of core democratic principles challenge societal resilience – that is, the capacity of societies to transform in ways that sustain well-being. First and foremost, we aim at producing excellent research that achieves societal impact. To this end, our research combines cutting-edge interdisciplinary scientific knowledge from economics, political science, science and technology and sociology, and integrates experimental, observational and in-depth qualitative methodologies. Currently, the Institute is being reorganised into five interconnected cross-cutting Research Clusters, each addressing policy-relevant issues related to societal resilience. These
clusters are transversal to the existing seven research groups at IPP and are designed to provide diverse perspectives on each challenge.
- Cluster 1: Inequality and Welfare States
- Cluster 2: Sustainability
- Cluster 3: Science, Innovation and Social Change
- Cluster 4: Migration and Mobility
- Cluster 5: Democracy and Democratic Resilience
We encourage prospective applicants to signal in their research plan statement how their programme of research for the coming years fits into one or several of these research clusters and, more generally, within the research ambitions, priorities and strategies of IPP.
The IPP is located in the city of Madrid and is gradually expanding. It currently hosts more than 50 researchers at all stages of the research career. Permanent (tenured) research positions at IPP are structured around the CSIC national public positions (part of the Spanish national civil service sector personnel) of Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow and Research Professor.
IPP and CSIC are equal opportunity employers and encourage applications from candidates identifying with historically under-represented categories in scientific and academic research careers, such as women, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities and LGBTIQ+ individuals.